Licensed Dog Breeders in Lancashire

If you run a Licensed Dog Breeding Business in the UK and want to join us please email:

Business Name & Owners Name


Puppy Breeds


Website Address/ Contact Number


Maria Williams

Tameside Borough Council

3 Stars


- Golden Retriever

- Lagotto Romagnolo

We usually only breed from bitches bred by ourselves and use our own boys. We can put assurity to the temperaments of the puppies we sell. With 30 years of experience we feel we can confidently offer top quality puppies in every aspect and have the knowledge to support and advise new puppy buyers. We are always available after puppies go for as long as needed. People whome have never owned a dog before can be assured they will get the support they need.


07913 663 291

Leprima Dachshunds

Karen Dinsdale

Lancaster City Council

4 Star

LN: 053207

- Miniature Dachshunds

Leprima Dachshunds is a well established breeder of true Miniature Dachshunds based in the Lancashire Countryside.

Owning some of the most prestigious around, some with as many as 40 champions in there lines. We offer stud duties with 9 of our own stud boys not to mention, the adorable litters of puppies available here every year. We have no kennels here at Leprima Dachshunds they all live in the home, as part of the Leprima family. 


07414 744 368

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The information contained on this website if for general information purposes only. Whilst we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Professional Dog Businesses UK is not responsible for what customers do after using the site. Any decisions you make after reading the material is your responsibility and PDBUK can't be held liable for anything you choose to do. Any reliance you place on such material is therefore strictly at your own risk.